Commemorative Tree and Bench Program
Sweet Arrow Lake County Park
Official site
A unique and "green" way to honor a loved one - plant a commemorative tree for all to enjoy.

Sweet Arrow Lake County Park and its Clubhouse have provided fond memories for many people over the years.  Over one million dollars worth of improvements have recently been completed, including construction of a new entrance road, a new pavilion, a new children's playground, and expanded parking.  To further continue improvements to our County park, the public is being welcomed to participate in a new effort to enhance the site.  A Commemorative Tree Program is being established, and you can be a part by leaving a "green legacy" for future generations while paying tribute to a special person in your life.

 An opportunity to honor someone.

Our effort to reforest the Park offers you a unique opportunity to pay tribute to someone who you feel is deserving of recognition.  By commemorating a tree, you can honor a friend or loved one whose memory remains in your heart.  The gift will become a part of the County's first park, and will provide natural beauty and pleasure to visitors for many years to come.

Commemorating a tree is easy.

Simply complete the application and include a donation of a minimum of $200.00, payable to the Sweet Arrow Lake Conservation Association.   If you wish to make a smaller donation, it will be pooled with other smaller donations, and trees will be purchased as sufficient funds become available.


The donor will be notified when the tree is commemorated, the species of the tree, and the approximate location unless other plans are approved.   A planting plan has been developed and is nearly complete.   Donations of $200 or more will be acknowledged by an inscription on a 'tree' plaque which hangs in the Clubhouse at Sweet Arrow Lake County Park.  Notification to appropriate individuals as described on the application will be given.  Every attempt will be made to maintain the commemorative tree for a long life.  However, no guarantee is made or implied that the tree will replaced if it dies from natural causes, disease or damage after its first year.  

The Sweet Arrow Lake Conservation Association, is a 501(c)3 Corporation.  The Schuylkill Conservation District, The Sweet Arrow Lake Park Board, The Friends of Schuylkill Parks and Recreation, The Northern Swatara Creek Watershed Association, and the Schuylkill County Commissioners are cooperating to bring you this Commemorative Tree Program.  Your donation may be tax deductible.  Check with your tax professional.

Sweet Arrow Lake County Park Commemorative Bench Program 

Sweet Arrow Lake has long been a special place in the heart of Schuylkill County.  The sun glittering on the tranquil water or painting the sky and surface of the lake in a wash of color as it sets behind the mountains.  Birds fly above as peaceful boats drift by.  Green in summer, splashed with vibrant colors in the fall, and blanketed in frosty white in the winter.

 These are the scenes that will be enjoyed from the bench you donate in honor of someone you feel deserving of such recognition.  Your donation will be a gift that will provide pleasure and a place to reflect for all those who pass this way for many years to come.

The benches are sturdily constructed of outdoor wood for long life and are 5 feet long.  They include a built in backrest.  

The Sweet Arrow Lake Conservation Association is a 501 (c) 3 Corporation. The Schuylkill Conservation District, The Sweet Arrow Lake Board, The Friends of Schuylkill Parks and Recreation, The Northern Swatara Creek Watershed Association, and the Schuylkill County Commissioners are cooperating to bring you the Commemorative Bench Program.  Your donation of $350.00 or more may be tax deductible.  Check with your tax professional.